How many of us have visited chiropractors, dentists, physios etc and been fobbed off with 'Of course that happens, it's your M.E'? It's happened to me hundreds of times!
I'm writing this blog because it seems bizarre to me that we are always being told that the healthcare profession either doesn't believe it's a real illness OR that they don't understand it. And yet, it's the first thing that springs to their minds when offering a possible diagnosis for a random ailment.

my usual dentists so I was referred to a gum specialist. He had a look and said it was because of my M.E. HOWEVER, a few weeks ago, I saw a Facebook article that had been commented on by Dr Charles Shepherd (ME Association) and he said M.E is not the cause for any mouth related stuff. News to me! So now I am wondering what else is up?! What if there is an other ailment that needs treatment but has been neglected because it has been brushed off as 'just an M.E thing?' I am using common sense though and I think they are probably a bit like a cold sore but inside my mouth, they flare up when I am run down so it kinda makes sense.
I just wish they would hold their hands up and admit that they don't have a clue what our random symptom is, but do as much as they can to find out what it is! Making stuff up doesn't help!
Sally (and Foggy obviously) xxx
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